articles by Fabian Tassano

The phrase needs to be reclaimed from the conspiracy theorists, to mean: Marxist ideology as applied in cultural and philosophical areas, particularly within academia.

Sociology engages in normativity rather than science. Change is automatically ‘good’. Heredity is ignored.

Tweaking cultural output to manipulate audiences,
in order to counter prejudice, has a price.

Discussions of social mobility are pointless and misleading, if hereditary factors are ignored.

Roger Scruton was sacked, John McDonnell was not. Appalling (double) standards in journalism and politics.

The weakness of the case against Ireland/Apple.
The ECJ: impartial arbiter or agent for federalism?

The Commission’s use of state aid law to attack tax competition is an abuse of its powers.

The demand for $13bn of additional tax from Apple violates the rule of law.

The Ethics and Empire episode shows that large tracts of academia have become damagingly politicised.

Scapegoating of baby boomers distorts government policy. The “intergenerational contract” is a fiction.

Using average baby-boomer data to imply the UK state pension is high enough amounts to propaganda.

Existing terrorism legislation, and proposed counter-extremism measures, violate legal certainty.

Legal certainty is a defence against arbitrary state power. As a principle, it is at risk of erosion.

Criticisms of high-frequency trading are misplaced. Competitive arbitrage is essential to markets.

Lucid dreaming as a topic, and potential key to understanding sleep, was pioneered by Dr Celia Green.

The problem of consciousness. Why academia, as it stands, is unlikely to generate a solution.

Major intellectual progress requires special conditions. Recognition of this is on the decline.

Collectivism, masquerading as egalitarianism, is the dominant ideology – not individualism.

Green’s originality in analysing human behaviour places her in a class with Nietzsche and Freud.

Oxford Forum is an association of independent academics.
Oxford Forum was founded in 1998 by Dr Celia Green to research and publish in currently neglected areas of psychology, philosophy and economics. It seeks to oppose intellectual and ideological bias in mainstream academia.
Fabian Tassano is an economist and author. He has taught economics at Oxford and worked as a senior economist for PricewaterhouseCoopers, London.
He is currently a Research Director at Oxford Forum.